fraction of the municipality of Gignese, Nocco rises almost at the top
of a small hill of green forests and meadows. The village is to the
West, however, face to most enjoy the sunlight. Only a brief depression
divides his capital that para is a kilometre away: seamless now for new
buildings and houses built during these years of tourist expansion. The
name is made to derive a little imaginatively from the hazelnut tree,
perhaps a longer spread and grown. No discovery supports remote origins
of the country; but some in the high middle ages it was already formed,
since the Bishop Litifredo (died 1151), in the presence of the Provost
of Baveno, Giovanni, had consecrated the Church, dedicated to Saint
Stephen (a). The population was spiritually by Graglia, whose parish was
already attested in the mid-300 's. The present Church is a 16th-century
building extensively restored later. In 1633 Nocco broke away from Gaspe
forming a stand-alone parish. Inside the parish church cherishes a
precious painting (marriage of the Virgin) of 16th-century workmanship.
In 1759 he embarked on the construction of the Oratory of the Madonna di
Loreto, now abandoned, near the cemetery (b). The name of one square,
piazza Castello (c) suggested the presence of a fortification; most
likely a House-Fort in large granite Ashlar stones, which you can see on
the left of the square. The Charter aronese of the 13th century,
remembered Inheritors Ricardi de Roncario, who paid a fee pro terra de
Noco: confirming the mobility of people in an area still undergoing
administrative reorganization.
history is a
story of toil and hardship to survive. Its territory extends up to the
Valley of annoys me or Erno, encompassing the morainic hill of Scincina
and the Valley of the Agogna up to the springs at the Alpe Torona, on
the Hill of the three Montagnette or Motta di Coiro. A long strip of
land, therefore, to take advantage of pastures, Woods and springs, which
were then the only wealth. For these lands, and for the transit of
herds, there were numerous and endless quarrels with Gignese, also
because of a fragile bridge on annoys me, overwhelmed by any enlarged
Creek. In surveys for the Census of 1722, the picture drawn by the men
of Nocco isn't very comforting, "land of the municipality of Them
Noccho, what remains on the shore of a Rocky Mountain, are divided into
several small pieces ... De ' fruits do not make to live three months of
the year, so that each delli huomini was forced to leave the world to
earn the vito, a way other than that two at home among all the commune
'. Emigration is also remembered by Bertone in 1761 Bishop: «the people
working the fields and vineyards; but many exercise itinerant trades:
shoemakers and Leatherworkers, and tanning-skins». A few decades later,
the prevailing activity became the ombrellaio. At the fork in the road
outside the village was placed a granite column (e), with plaque of
these vendors or ' lùsciàt ' as it was said in jargon ' tarùsc ': ' Dave
ombrellaio country remembers his ' lùsciàt '». Among these emigrants
played an important role, in particular, those with wisdom and
determination were able to create reputable shops and factories, and of
the wealth so accumulated made sharers in the hometown and the less
fortunate countrymen. Goes place due emphasis on the restoration of
these villages by businessmen and traders who returned to their
homeland, ammodernavano homes, benefited from charitable institutions
and public offices held with mindset ' town '.
Depopulation of hilly countries was steady and inexorable, and
interrupted only by the advent of mass tourism and the phenomenon of
second home. This new wellness benefit in varying degrees a bit
everyone, and thus also the appearance of the village is transforming.
In 1958 the ' Nocchese ' Family released several terracotta Madonnine
adorning the old houses, which are now upgraded to offer those comforts
necessary for today's quality of life, both for the notable increase in
the elderly
