
Museo dell'Ombrello e del Parasole

Via Golf Panorama,3 28836 Gignese (VB)
Tel. +39 0323 89622
Tel. +39 0323 208064 (direct)
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Faces stiff in the pose, crowned by long beards and moustaches to the handlebar, others a little more casual and modern: are the effigies of "PIONEERS" that the visitor of the Museum meets Gignese umbrella in the historical itinerary dedicated to the craft of Ombrellaio. PIONEERS: definition refers to people who have started something important but also, in our case, to men who have undertaken a lowly itinerant lives inland away from their land. So it was also for the old Umbrella of Vergante whose names shall be accompanied, in the umbrella Museum quotes, than those of countries of origin.

Antonio Lavarini

G.Battista Righini

Giovanni Silvera Valle

Edoardo Martinetti

Eugenio Pattoni

Igino Ambrosini

According to surveys made by Hyginus Ambrosini, it appears that the "dynasties" of Umbrella of the area were 170-180, distributed among the 52 surrounding localities Gignese. Components of these families settled, with their jobs, in Turin, Milan, Rome, Bari and other cities, from Veneto, Liguria, Campania. quite a few went in even more distant lands, both in Europe and in South America. Many pioneers of Vergante, a dutiful quote deserve families of Como's Umbrella bearers of this craft still evolved over time into an important industrial activity.